The patientwas admitted on January30, 2021at7:00am with achief complaint of abdominalpain 8/10 with hematemesisandmelena,was admittedto malemedical wardofEastAvenue MedicalCenter, hookedto D5NR 1L X 12hours at DF of 15. Admitto:
Diet:NPO, thenregular diet no coffee ortea
Vital signs:Every 4 hours, posturalBP
IVF tofollow: D5NR 1L X 12hours, D5NM 1L X12hours,(thenalternately)
Diagnostics:Bariumswallow, FecalOccult Blood, CBC, Urinalysis, Na, K, Amylase, Ca, ECG, Wholeabdomen Ultz, UpperGI endoscopy
Therapeutics:Medical Management
Bed sidecare
Assess GIstatus to monitor signs of bleeding
Monitor andrecords, V/S, I and O, and lab studies
Relieve ofpain by adherence to medication and avoid foods that cause mucosalirritation
DAT to meetthe metabolic demands and promote wound healing
NGT insertionfor saline lavageuntil returnis clear if bleeding is present
Maintainposition and patency of low suction of NGT
Bloodtransfusion of PRBC 4 units of blood after properly checked andcross matched
2) makeDiagnostics test result for the following :Bariumswallow,Fecal Occult Blood, CBC, Urinalysis, Na, K, Amylase, Ca, ECG, Wholeabdomen Ultz,Upper GI endoscopy