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Imagine you are working in a hospital as a health educator and doctor refers a patient with HIV to you for educating about HIV self-management. Write in details how can educate the patient by using activation level? THE FOUR LEVELS OF PATIENT ACTIVATION Level 1 Believes Active Role Important Focus on building self-awareness and understanding behavior patterns, and begin to build confidence through small steps. What a coach might say: “Let’s not try to tackle everything right now. Let’s just focus on one thing.” Level 2 Confidence and knowledge to take action Help patients to continue taking small steps, such as adding a new fruit or vegetable to their diet each week or reducing their portion sizes at two meals a day. Help them build up their basic knowledge. What a coach might say: “You’re off to a great start. Let’s build on your success by reducing your portion sizes at lunch time too. Level 3 Taking Action Work with patients to adopt new behaviors and to develop some level of condition-specific knowledge and skills. Support the initiation of new “full behaviors (those that are more than just small changes – eg, 30 minutes of exercise three times a week) and work on the development of problem-solving skills. What a coach might say: ‘You’re making great strides. Do you think you’re ready to take your efforts up one notch?’ Level 4 Staying the course under stress Focus on preventing a relapse and handling new or challenging situations as they arise. Problem solving and planning for difficult situations to help patients maintain their behaviors. What a coach might say: ‘You’ve had terrific success. Let’s talk about how you can maintain that, even when life gets more stressful!
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