Read the following case study:

Best Hospital is a 325-bed suburban community hospital that hasjust merged with a local major academic medical center, theUniversity of Excellence Medical Center (UEMC). There are 15hospitals in the UEMC system, ranging from small rural hospitalswith 50 or fewer beds to large multiple-specialty tertiary referralhospitals. Two hospitals in the system have achieved magnet statusand several hospitals are working to achieve this status. Withinthe UEMC system, a high value is placed on collaboration with theschools of the health professions at the University of Excellence(UE).

Best Hospital has a long history of association with localuniversities, functioning mainly as a site for student clinicalexperiences. For example, undergraduate students enrolled at the UECollege of Health Professions often complete a portion of theirclinical work at the hospital. Each year the hospital hires anumber of graduates from this program. Several nurses infirst-level management positions at the hospital are enrolled inthe master’s program.

The vice-president for clinical practice at Best Hospital is aPhD-prepared nurse who has been appointed to the faculty at the UESchool of Nursing. Your current position is director of staffdevelopment at Best Hospital. You are responsible for theeducational programming of all clinical staff. Over the past 2years, Best Hospital has been fully involved in meeting MeaningfulUse criteria. As director of staff development, you have played themajor leadership role in developing and implementing all relatededucational programs.

The health professional schools at UE are working together torevise their curricula to integrate informatics throughout. Thegoal is to develop an interprofessional approach that incorporatesinformatics across and throughout the different educationalprograms within these schools. The schools have requested a meetingwith clinical leaders from the hospital to gain a practicalperspective on what information should be included in thecurricula. The vice-president for clinical practice has includedyou on the list of leaders to attend the meeting. She asked thateach person attending the meeting prepare a short presentation onhow they engage their staff in the continuous education processwith respect to ever-changing healthcare technology.

PowerPoint Presentation


  1. Review the case study.
  2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create apresentation that includes:
    • An overview process map on how staff training is linked to anyupdate in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff
    • Examples of computerized teaching tools used within stafftraining, including:
      • List of learning tools typically used within stafftraining
      • How you determine which tools to use (rationale)
      • How such tools are used within the training process
  • Support of continuous learning by staff (3 slides)
    • Existing support mechanisms and processes
    • How continuous learning is linked to professionaldevelopment
    • Examples of how learning is offered for diverse learning stylesof staff
  • Ensure that your presentation is free of spelling and grammarerrors.
  1. Submit the Week 12 Assignment:
    • CMP105_wk12_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy

Read the following case study:

Best Hospital is a 325-bed suburban community hospital that hasjust merged with a local major academic medical center, theUniversity of Excellence Medical Center (UEMC). There are 15hospitals in the UEMC system, ranging from small rural hospitalswith 50 or fewer beds to large multiple-specialty tertiary referralhospitals. Two hospitals in the system have achieved magnet statusand several hospitals are working to achieve this status. Withinthe UEMC system, a high value is placed on collaboration with theschools of the health professions at the University of Excellence(UE).

Best Hospital has a long history of association with localuniversities, functioning mainly as a site for student clinicalexperiences. For example, undergraduate students enrolled at the UECollege of Health Professions often complete a portion of theirclinical work at the hospital. Each year the hospital hires anumber of graduates from this program. Several nurses infirst-level management positions at the hospital are enrolled inthe master’s program.

The vice-president for clinical practice at Best Hospital is aPhD-prepared nurse who has been appointed to the faculty at the UESchool of Nursing. Your current position is director of staffdevelopment at Best Hospital. You are responsible for theeducational programming of all clinical staff. Over the past 2years, Best Hospital has been fully involved in meeting MeaningfulUse criteria. As director of staff development, you have played themajor leadership role in developing and implementing all relatededucational programs.

The health professional schools at UE are working together torevise their curricula to integrate informatics throughout. Thegoal is to develop an interprofessional approach that incorporatesinformatics across and throughout the different educationalprograms within these schools. The schools have requested a meetingwith clinical leaders from the hospital to gain a practicalperspective on what information should be included in thecurricula. The vice-president for clinical practice has includedyou on the list of leaders to attend the meeting. She asked thateach person attending the meeting prepare a short presentation onhow they engage their staff in the continuous education processwith respect to ever-changing healthcare technology.

PowerPoint Presentation


  1. Review the case study.
  2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create apresentation that includes:
    • An overview process map on how staff training is linked to anyupdate in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff
    • Examples of computerized teaching tools used within stafftraining, including:
      • List of learning tools typically used within stafftraining
      • How you determine which tools to use (rationale)
      • How such tools are used within the training process
  • Support of continuous learning by staff (3 slides)
    • Existing support mechanisms and processes
    • How continuous learning is linked to professionaldevelopment
    • Examples of how learning is offered for diverse learning stylesof staff
  • Ensure that your presentation is free of spelling and grammarerrors.
  1. Submit the Week 12 Assignment:
    • CMP105_wk12_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy
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