In at 2 to 3 paragraph (double spaced, 11-12 point san seriffont) but not more than three pages, introduce the policy belowbeing analyzed and describe the health problem that is beingaddressed/solve/improved/mitigated.

House bill 2184: Creating the Kansas medical marijuanaregulation act.

  1. Problem:
    1. What is the health problem? Options might include:
      1. Basic needs are not being met (e.g., People are not receivingthe health care they need)
      2. People are not being treated fairly (e.g., People withdisabilities do not have access to public places)
      3. Resources are distributed unfairly (e.g., Educational servicesare more limited in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty)
      4. Current policies or laws are not enforced or effective (e.g.,The current laws on clean water are neither enforced noreffective)
      5. Existing or emerging conditions pose a threat to public health,safety, education, or well-being (e.g., New threats from terroristactivity)
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