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“Sushi” is a 10 week old puppy weighing 18 lbs. presented to the hospital in respiratory distress. She is drooling, mildly cyanotic, orthopneic and has a RR of 85, HR 170 Temp 102.2 ° On physical examination, you note she has brown ulcerated discolorations in the commissures of her mouth. You hear pulmonary crackles on auscultation, but no heart murmur. Her pulses are strong and her CRT is 2.5 sec. Skin turgor is normal. All other findings are unremarkable. 1 What breed of dog is Sushi? A radiograph of Sushi’s chest looks like: There is a significant amount of pulmonary edema in the caudadorsal lung fields. You know the veterinarian is going to order a specific drug to treat this so you get it out of the cabinet. o. Whai drug do you gei? The veterinarian informs you that in most other cases of pulmonary edema, the drug you selected would be correct, but because this is a non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the drug will not work, and in fact, could potentially make the problem worse. He does want you to give her hetastarch at 5 ml/kg over 30 minutes. 9. What type of fluid is hetastarch? 9a. Calculate the flow rate of hetastarch.(1 pt) 2 10. Why do you think the veterinarian selected this over LRS or normosol? 11.* The veterinarian also orders you to administer butorphanel (10 mg/mL) at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg IV for anxiety. Calculate the dose and weight. Write this as though you were recording it on his record. (1.5 pt) 12 Why would this don he anvious?
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