In Responsibility in Healthcare: A Liberal Egalitarian Approach,the authors recommend levying taxes on certain types of behaviorsthat adversely affect health.
In Responsibility in Health Care: A Liberal EgalitarianApproach,which of the following do the authors identify asobjections-either normative or practical–to individualresponsibility? Select all that apply.
Humanitarian |
Fairness |
Conventional |
Informational 3. The authors of Responsibility in Healthcare: A LiberalEgalitarian Approach identify tobacco, alcohol, blood pressure,cholesterol, and gender as being responsible for 1/3 of all diseaseburden in developed nations? True False 4. In Why The United States Is Not Number One In Health, the authorsuggests that birth weight patterns of U.S. born black women inrelation to African-born black women provide evidence that theremay be something toxic about American society to health. True False 5. In Why The United States Is Not Number One In Health, which ofthe following does the author say is ultimately responsible forpoor health care performance in the United States?