Question: There are both biological and geneticfactors and can affect a population’s health. One of the leadingcauses of morbidity and mortality in the United States iscardiovascular disease. Cancer consists of a sweet of diseases andcan be caused from a multitude of biologic and genetic factors.Please note, the following prompts are asking about biological andgenetic factors, not behavioral factors.

  1. Think about how public health is aimed at thepopulation, not the individual. A. Explain howthese biological and genetic factors influence health at apopulation (e.g., remember in week 1 and chapter 1 we defined howpublic health and medicine differ in that public health is thinkingabout population’s and not treating one individual at a time)level, rather than the individual risk factors. B. Describe threeways the public health approach to preventing cardiovasculardisease differs than the medical approach. Hint – thinkabout how the text revisited the terms primary, secondary, tertiaryprevention in chapter 11 and we talked about the public healthfield’s role in thinking this way in lecture.
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