Why The United States Is Not Number One inHealth  
by Ichiro Kawachi

1.) Many people assume that the United States, given that it iswealthiest nation in the world and given its higher standard ofliving, allows its citizens to live longer and healthier lives. Theauthor argues that this assumption is mistaken. What does theauthor believe is the cause of this mistaken assumption? And, whatrelationship did the author discover between financial well beingand social well being since 1971?

2.) The author identifies that American life expectancy, onaverage, is satisfactory and has been improving. However, hecontinues to argue that this average life expectancy is amisleading way to measure social health. Why?

3.) The author argues that it is a mistake to attribute theUSA’s lagging heath performance to bad genes in its population.After briefly characterizing the position of those who argue badgenes are responsible for poor health care performance, present theauthor’s rebuttal.   

4.) What barriers does poverty create that prevent or makedifficult good health practices? Ultimately, does the authorconclude the bad behaviors of the poor are to blame for ournation’s health care problems?

5.) The author argues that many American mistakenly believe thatthe USA’s lagging healthcare performance is caused by a lack ofaccess to healthcare. The author continues to say that thismistaken belief is a result of people “confusing the cure with thecause of the illness.” What is the author’s point and do youagree?

6.) What does the author ultimately say is responsible America’smediocre health care performance? Assuming he is right, what shouldbe done to solve the problem?

Responsibility in Healthcare: A Liberal EgalitarianApproach
by Cappelen and Norheim

1.) Relying upon WHO data, what does the author identify asbeing a primary cause of disease burden in high income nations?And, what 5 risk factors does the author identify as beingresponsible for 1/3 of all disease burden in developed nations?

2.). The author discusses 2 types of arguments about the importanceof personal responsibility in health care. Identify andcharacterize both types.

3.) What 3 normative objections, and what 2 practical objections,does the author offer against the notion of responsibility?Identify and explain all 5.


4.) How does the Liberal Egalitarian recommend that we holdindividuals responsible for their health related behaviors? Do youbelieve the author adequately responds to the 5 objections notedabove?


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