Mr. Brown is a 70-year-old male bought to the ED this morning byhis daughter. Daughter reports that patient has had darkblack/brown diarrhea for 48 hours and this morning had 2 episodesof dark red, bloody diarrhea and was confused and lethargic. Thepatient’s primary medical diagnosis is Acute GI Bleeding.

1) Patient’s Diagnosis: Give a brief summary of thepathophysiology of the patient’s medical diagnosis (rephrase inyour own words):

2) Assessment of the Patient: What assessment findings havealready been documented regarding this patient in the electronicmedical record? What would your priority assessment be?

3) List three possible nursing diagnoses for this patient?

4) What are possible nursing interventions you anticipateproviding for this patient?

5) Which intervention would be your first priority and why?

6) How do you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of theintervention you deemed to be a priority?

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