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Infant Health Appraisal Newborn Assessment Normal Findings Complete this chart prior to your clinical experience in the FCU. This chart helps the s tudent identify “normal” findings related to the newbom. Information should be com pleted with appropriate answers, please do not use “WNL”; be descriptive. This allows the student to compare and contrast “normal” findings with the newborn and your fin dings with your patient. Please see your instructor for any questions. Student Name: Date: Preclinical During Clinical General Appear ance (length, wel ight, HC, maturit y Activity, tone, cry, and color) Skin (rashes, ab rasions, hemato mas, edema, acrocya nosis, turgor, texi ture, birth marks) Head & Neck (sy mmetry, fontanel is, cranial suture li nes, molding, R JOM, nodes) Eyes (appearan ce, conjunctiva, D/C, other findin gs) Ears, nose & thr oat (lips, palate position, gums, presence of Eps tein pearls) Thorax (breasts ize, symmetry o If chest wall) Lungs (breath s ounds, resp. rat le and pattem,sym metry of move ment, retraction s) Heart (apical he art rate and rhyt hm, extra sound s or mumurs, fel moral pulses pa pable) Abdomen (cont our bowel soun ds, umbilicus & number of vess els) Genitalia : Male: (testes de scended, size, a Ind color penis urethreal openin 9) or Female: (labia and litoris size, drainag Anus (patent, st ool appearance) Trunk and spine (shape, symmet ry, dimpling, tuft s of hair) Extremities (incl Jude clavicles an d hips, ROM, ne urological asses sment) Reflexes (Moro, grasp, sucking) Gestational Age Nutritional Need s and Feedingt ype
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