When it comes to relationship between child and an adult, therole of an educator in the ECE setting is to evaluate thechildren’s affective needs and to create affective ties with thechildren, both individually and as a group. Throughout the course,we discussed how educators can help and support children withchallenging behaviors by building a positive relationship withthem. Mr. Marvin is an educator on 3-4 years’ old group. Every daywhen he is setting up the classroom for the nap time Chloe startsrunning around the classroom, messing up all the mats. When Mr.Marvin tries to talk to her, she cries and screams saying that shewants her mom, and Mr. Marvin takes about 30 minutes to calm herdown. 1) What type of temperament Chloe has? Explain. 2) Whatstrategies Mr. Marvin should set to help Chloe to self-regulate? 3)How Mr. Marvin can work on building a positive relationship withChloe by making deposits? Give 3 concrete examples and explain.500-600 words *
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