you are the manager of a very busy medical surgical unit. Youhave three new graduate RNs who are orientating during day shift.All three nurses have complained about their preceptor Nancy. Theydescribe Nancy as rude, condescending, impatient, and un-kind. Thenurses state that Nancy is EXCELLENT with patients but horrible tostaff. You are scheduling to have meeting with Nancy today: Answerthe following: Introduction paragraph outlining the issue at handand why it is a problem on the unit. Paragraph 2: What type ofleadership style do you plan to use? Why this style for you? Why doyou think this type of leadership style is appropriate for thesituation? Paragraph 3: What type of communication style do youplan to use? Why this style for you? What additional information doyou need to seek? Why is it important to gather this information?Paragraph 4: Nancy reports that none of this feedback is true andshe has no idea what you are talking about. How do you address thisissue with Nancy? How do you let Nancy know that a problem stillexists even if Nancy does not think there is a problem? How willyou follow-up with Nancy and the RN orientees after this meeting?Conclusion paragraph summarizing the situation, your approach, andfinal thoughts.
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