What is the relationship between ecofeminism andenvironmental ethics, I think the picture that was painted for mereading about ecofeminism and environmental ethics is that womenhave compassion about everything including the environment. I knowin my culture, the women is always the mother and we are comparedto mother earth and all the beauty it provides. I think its theculture you are brought up in that will define your environmentalview. It also states that each man and women are socially genderedwhich to me means that a man does a man job and a women does herjob. Which is sexist.
How do technologies related to microorganisms suggestethical conflicts? I think the ethical conflict betweentechnologies and microorganisms is the natural process of life.Technology is making us live longer but that creates overpopulation. Also creating technology to process food, water andnatural resources is hurting the environment and even humans.
What else can I add to this