Case Study#2
Charlotta is a 27-year-old G1P1 who just gave birth to a healthygirl at 39 weeks of gestation. The baby is now 20 minutes old andhas transitioned well. Charlotta wants to breastfeed her infantbecause she has read about the benefits of breastfeeding. Hermother and sisters who are present have not breastfed and are notconvinced of any benefit because their children were also healthy.The father of the baby is not involved.
- What are the benefits of initiating breastfeeding during thepostpartum period?
- What can the nurse do now to help Charlotte succeed inbreastfeeding?
Case Study #2(continued)
Charlotta mother comments that she does not think the baby gotenough breast milk from the first breastfeeding attempt. Charlottaagrees and feels that she does not have any milk yet. The babylatched on to both nipples well and effectively sucked for 15minutes on each side. The infant now is crying, and Charlottamother requests a bottle of formula.
- How can the nurse address this situation?
Case Study #2(continued)
It is now day 2 after birth, and Charlotta is complaining of sorenipples.
- How should the nurse evaluate this complaint?
- What nursing interventions can assist Charlotta with sorenipples?
- What additional nursing interventions may be helpful forCharlotta before hospital discharge?