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I need help with SBAR!

Would like to SBAR the Health Care Provider there isbasic information below but any information missing can be made upto fill in the blanks S for situation Bfor background A for assessmentR= Recommendation


S= Situation Describe what is happening at thetime to require the communication.

B= Background Explain any relevant backgroundinformation that relates to the situation.

A= Assessment Provide an analysis of theproblem or patient need based on assessment data.

R= Recommendation State what is needed or whatthe desired outcome is.

17 year old, Alvin, comes to the nurse’s office from gym withthe help of a classmate; he is limping with complaints of a soreankle and rates his pain 8/10 on the numeric scale. Vital signsT-97.6 BP 125/85 HR 100 and regular, RR 25 and regular,Sao2-100%.  Weight: 155 pounds. He has a standing orderfor both Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen.

SBAR the healthcare Provider

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