Scenarios for Nursing Priority Problems J.C. is a 58 yr. oldmale with a past medical hx (PMH) of ESRD, HTN, DM, obesity, andanxiety/depression. He is admitted to the Med-Surg unit due to anunhealed foot injury that is +MSSA and he is scheduled to have hisfoot amputated later on in the day. Therefore, he has been NPOsince midnight. During your shift with J.C. today, he went todialysis and now that he has returned, he presents tired and weak.His CBG’s have been high in the 200’s. You have given him hismedications and reviewed his labs. His H&H are low with a Hgbof 8.8 g/dl and Hct of 22%. You consult with the provider, there isan order for a unit of blood to be given STAT and there is consentto give the pt. blood. As J.C.’s nurse, you know that the prioritypt.-centered problem with this pt. during his blood transfusionwill be:
Nurse dx:
SMART goal:
3 Interventions (with rationale including pt. education): 1. 2.3.
Reference for at least 1 intervention: