II.A.3 Apply legal concepts and principles to the practice ofHIM

OBJECTIVE: Student will be able to identify the steps needed toprep and release a record for a subpoena

Assignment: You are the HIM director and you have been servedwith a subpoena to produce records for an upcoming court case.

Your Release of Information (ROI) clerk is new. You ask her toread the policy and procedure for prepping a record for a subpoenahowever there is none.

Write the steps you would follow to release records for asubpoena. Refer to reading “How to Respond to a Subpoena adDiscovery”

Definitions: Subpoena: a command to appear at a certain time andplace to give testimony on a certain matter

Subpoena ad testificandum: a subpoena that seeks testimony

Subpoena duces tecum: a written order commanding a person toappear, give testimony, and bring all documents, papers, books, andrecords described in the subpoena. This is used to obtain documentsduring pre-trial discovery and to obtain testimony duringtrial.Reference Items included in the module:

Read How to Respond to Subpoena and Discovery

Read Department Policies and Procedures

Review Sample Subpoena

Review Sample Policy Assignment


1. Read all of the reference items listed above

2. Write the PROCEDURE STEPS to include in a ROI (Release ofInformation) policy for subpoenas and be sure they are in thecorrect order.

3. Submit your answers in the space provided in the textbox

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