Case Study 3:

The nurse is caring for a 14-year-old male patient,Jacob, with stereotypical behaviors. He is very rigid and changedisturbs him significantly. He is cognitively delayed and studiesin a special education classroom where he does work at a 3-gradelevel. He when he gets upset, his reaction is to start running andhe ran away from the after-school program last week and was foundabout 1 mile from the school. He has poor social skills and doesnot understand others jokes and has trouble with imaginative play.He likes to build things and is very gifted in his special skillsbut struggles when peers or a teacher interrupt hisbuilding.

Create a poster that outlines present his caseincluding:

Symptoms present and assessments tocomplete

What is a likely diagnosis for thispatient?

Planning and interventions

Pharmacological and non-pharmacologicalinterventions

Evaluation of Outcomes—how do you know your care waseffective

Education—both for the pt and his family

What will likely happen next for thischild?

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