You are a nurse admitting a patient to the hospital from theemergency department (ED) with shortness of breath and recentweight loss. After receiving a report from the ED nurse, you readythe patient’s room according to unit specifications and collect thenecessary equipment and forms. When the patient arrives, she isusing oxygen via a nasal cannula and seems to be comfortable. Asyou begin your admission activities and paperwork, you note thather shortness of breath slightly increases as she answers yourquestions. Accompanying the patient is her daughter, who comments,“This is the fourth time she’s been admitted to this hospital inthe past year.” The patient and her daughter demonstrate a close,loving relationship. The daughter not only encourages her mother,but also sets boundaries regarding her mother’s anxiety.
What data in this scenario are pertinent?
Which conditions within the case study could be addressed bynursing diagnoses?
Which conditions within the case study would be addressed by amedical diagnosis?
How are medical diagnoses, collaborative diagnoses, and nursingdiagnoses different?
Compare how a medical diagnosis is written versus a nursingdiagnosis.

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