I do need feedback on my paragraph

Contact tracing is an essential tool in disease prevention. Ibelieve it ensures that the necessary protocols are followed tolimit the spread of communicable diseases. It also provides patienteducation, and a primary prevention is education. Education is amajor aspect in contact tracing. Having a one on one call can bevery valuable in educating the patient on the do’s and dont’s ofcovid.

During contact tracing, the health department contacts theindividual and informs them that they may have been exposed tocovid and to watch for possible developing symptoms. They alsoensure that exposed people get tested and self isolate. Thesemeasures potentially could stop the spread before it happens. Forinstance, a person could be asymptomatic, infected with covidwithout knowing. A simple call could stop that person from going toa gathering and infecting others, thus limiting the spread.

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