It is a fact that research takes over a decade toimplement in the health care field. Many would think that it is thehealth care provider that is not willing to change, however, thatis not always true. It was shown that health care professionalswere taking so long to implement change because of the lengthyprocess which it takes to get changes approved, proof that thechange is positive for patient outcomes, and then lastly becausethey were not being promoted by leaders in the department toimplement the change. “The experience of research implementationilluminated a process that was unsystematically initiated, reliedon few stakeholders, and often ended up on paper rather than inpractice and in the actual treatment and care of individualpatients” (Kristensen et al., 2016). Fortunately, prior to havingmy son, I worked for a hospital where they closely monitored theimplementation of change which added to my experience in thisaspect. I would do a similar system to what they did. The chargenurse would grab you when you came on the shift in the “huddle” inthe beginning of the shift and explain the change. There then wasliterature regarding the change that needed to be read and signed.Throughout the day the charge nurse would catch those other nursescoming on mid-shift and have them do the same, explain verbally,then read and sign. Each nurse was given a sheet and had to getthree sign-offs to ensure that they were implementing the practice.Of course, if the patient consented two nurses would go in togetherfor what procedure we were implementing change. The charge nursesand nurse manager were always walking around checking to see ifimplementation was taking place and if not, of course, the questionwas why. The frequency not only ensured we were implementing changebut it also made it a habit for us. This was a great way to ensurechanges and that is so important when it is a major change.

1. According to the statement above what can you agreeand or disagree with??

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