Audit Report 1.4 Emergency Department Services

LOCATION: Hospital Emergency Department

PATIENT: Fran Green

PHYSICIAN: Paul Sutton, MD

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Level 3 trauma

Subjective: A 44-year-old female was treating a sickcalf when a cow attacked her and stomped her. She presents to theemergency room via ambulance complaining of an open ankledislocation. She also is complaining of some abrasions on her chinand under her left leg. She specifically denies loss ofconsciousness or headache. No neck, back. chest, abdomen, or pelvicpain. She is quite stoic.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Remarkable for somehypertension, depression, and migraine.


1. Premarin

2 Question Xanax


FAMILY HISTORY: Deemed non contributory

Social HISTORY: She is married, I believe a nonsmoker, and is a laborer.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: As above. She says her foot iscold.

Physical EXAMINATION: Preliminary survey is benign.Secondary survey: Alert and Oriented x3. Immobilized in a C-collarand long spine board. Head is normocephalic. There is nohemotympanum. Pupils are equal. There is an abrasion under her chinTrachea is midline. She does have a C collar in place. Air entry isequal. Lungs are clear. Chest wall is nontender. Abdomen is soft.Pelvis is stable. Long bones are remarkable for an obvious opendislocation of the right ankle. The toes are all dusky. she has astrong posterior tibial pulse, and the nurse thinks she felt afaint dorsalis pedis. She has an abrasion under her left leg.

HOSPITAL COURSE: We did give her a tetanus shot and 1g of Ancef. I immediately gave her some parenteral Fentanyl andVersed, and we were able to reduce the dislocation withoutdifficulty. Postreduction film locks surprisingly good. There isperhaps a subtle fracture noted only on the lateral projection.C-spine shows some degenerative change, is of poor quality, but isnegative, and upon re-examination she is not tender in that area.However, it was done because she had such a severe distractinginjury and given the mechanism. Chest x-ray and left femur lookfine.

ASSESSMENT: Level 3 trauma with an open right ankledislocation, multiple abrasions

PLAN: Plan to call Dr. Almaz, who graciously agreed toassume care. The patient is kept n.p.o.

One or more of the following codes is/are reportedincorrectly missing for this case. Indicate the incorrect ormissing code on codes.

SERVICE CODE(S): Evaluation and Management, 99282

ICD-10-CM DX CODE(S): Ankle dislocation, S93.04XA,Open wa right ankle, S91.001A Abrasion of head, S00.81XA, Abrasion,left leg. S80.812


Please fill out the audit form with the informationlisted above.

AUDIT FORM HISTORY ELEMENTS Documented HISOTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS(HPI) Location (site on body) Quality (characteristic: thro

Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Musculoskeletal Integumentary (skin and/or breasts) Neurological Psychiatric Endocrine Hematol

Social activities, both past and present TOTAL LEVEL History Level 1 2 3 4 Detailed Problem Focused Comprehensiv Expanded Pro

Minimal Limited Multiple Extensive LEVEL AMOUNT AND/OR COMPLEXITY OF DATA TO REVIEW Documented Minimal/None Limited Moderate

Minimal Limited Multiple Extensiv Number of DX or management options Minimal/No Limited Moderate Extensive Amount and/or comp

BODY AREAS (BA) Documented Head (including face) Neck Chest (including breasts and axillae Abdomen Genitalia, groin, buttocks

NUMBER TOTAL BAIOS Exam Level 1 2 3 4 Problem Focused Detailed Expanded Problem Focused Comprehensi ve Limited to affected BA

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AUDIT FORM HISTORY ELEMENTS Documented HISOTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS(HPI) Location (site on body) Quality (characteristic: throbbing, sharp) Severity (1/10 or how intense) Duration * (how long for problem or episode) Timing (when it occurs) Context (under what circumstances does it occur) Modifying factors (what makes better or worse) Associated signs and symptoms (what else is happening when it occurs) *Duration not in CPT as an HPI Element TOTAL LEVEL REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (ROS) Documented Constitutional (e.g., weight loss, fever) Ophthalmologic (eyes) Otolaryngologic Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Musculoskeletal Integumentary (skin and/or breasts) Neurological Psychiatric Endocrine Hematologic/Lymphatic Allergic/Immunologic TOTAL LEVEL PAST, FAMILY, AND IOR SOCIAL HISTORY (PESH) Documented Past illness, operations, injuries, treatments, and current medications Family medical history for heredity and risk Social activities, both past and present TOTAL LEVEL History Level 1 2 3 4 Detailed Problem Focused Comprehensiv Expanded Problem Focused e HPI Brief 1-3 Brief 1-3 Extended 4+ Extended 4+ ROS None Problem pertinent 1 Extended 2-9 Complete 10+ PESH None None Pertinent 1 Complete 2-3 HISTORY LEVEL MDM ELEMENTS Documented # OF DIAGNOSIS/MANAGEMENT OPTIONS Minimal Limited Multiple Extensive LEVEL AMOUNT AND/OR COMPLEXITY OF DATA TO REVIEW Documented Minimal/None Limited Moderate Extensive LEVEL RISK OF COMPICATION OR DEATH IF NOT TREATED Documented Minimal Low Moderate High LEVEL MDM* 1 2 3 4 Straightfor Low Moderate High Minimal Limited Multiple Extensiv Number of DX or management options Minimal/No Limited Moderate Extensive Amount and/or complexity of data ne Risks Minimal Low Moderate High MDM LEVEL *To qualify for a given type of MDM complexity, 2 Of 3 elements in the table must be met or exceeded EXAMINATION OF ELEMENTS Documented CONSTITUTIONAL (OS) Blood pressure, sitting Blood pressure, lying Pulse Respirations Temperature Height Weight General Appearance (Count as only 1) NUMBER BODY AREAS (BA) Documented Head (including face) Neck Chest (including breasts and axillae Abdomen Genitalia, groin, buttocks Back (including spine) Each extremity NUMBER ORGAN SYSTEMTS (OS) Documented Ophthalmologic (eyes) Otolaryngologic (ears, nose, mouth, throat) Cardiovascular Respiratory NUMBER TOTAL BAIOS Exam Level 1 2 3 4 Problem Focused Detailed Expanded Problem Focused Comprehensi ve Limited to affected BAJOS Limited to affected BAJOS & other related OS(s) Extended of affected & other related OS(s) General multi-system (Oss only) 1 # of OS or BA 2-7 limited 2-7 extended 8+ EXAMINATION LEVEL History: Examination: MDM: Number of Key Components: Code: 5
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