“Paolo andBea, not a love story”
Paolo is abedside nurse in a medical-surgical ward. One day, he was assignedto be the attending
nurse to a new admittedpatient, Bea, after reading her medical records, he noticed thather name
is very familiar, he wentto her room to do his rounds and introduce himself. Paolo and Beawere
surprised because theyknew each other back in high school, they were batch mates. DuringBea’s
confinement they wouldtalk about high school memories and felt the connection. 5 dayshave
passed and Bea is nowpreparing for discharge, Paolo went to her room, hugged and kissedher
on the cheeks and askedher out. Bea asked Paolo to call her once she got home.
1. Is it okfor Paolo to call Bea since she is no longer a patient ofPaolo?
2. The ideathat they know each other makes any difference?
3. Is there asexual misconduct in the story?