1. Lily is a 57-year old Wiradjuri lady with cerebral palsy.Lily has just moved into the local area and is sharing a unit withanother lady called Fran. Lily receives twenty-four-hour supportservices and communicates via Augmentative and AlternativeCommunication (AAC) software in an IPad. Lily and her family haveexpressed an interest in Lily attending the Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander women’s art group at the Wuppacore Centre everyTuesday and Thursday mornings. Based on the scenario above,identify at least one (1) of each of the following resources thatyou can access to help Lily meet her goal of attending the women’sart group.
Community resource:
Referral option:
To answer this, you must research the community resources,networks, and referral options available in your area. You can dothis through online research using search engines such as Googleand online databases. You may also do offline research by accessinglibraries or information/bulletin boards in your area orinterviewing relevant personnel from the health and communityservices.
Guidance is Culturally Specific: When conducting your research,consider you are looking for community resources, networks, andreferral options for an Aboriginal aged care client who hascerebral palsy.