1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have inthis situation. Explain how they might be helpful or unhelpful inresolving the problem. (2 marks)

  1. List three behaviors of Mrs. Green’s that indicate she may beabused. (3 marks)




  1. In this situation, describe how power is being exerted overanother person. (2 marks)

  1. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in thissituation? Why? (3 marks)


  1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have inthis situation. Explain how they might be helpful or unhelpful inresolving the problem. (1 mark)

  1. Identify three signs that indicate Sarah is abused. (3marks)




  1. Describe two ways in which Sarah is demonstrating denial. (2marks)

      1. What other emotion is Sarah displaying? (1 mark)

      1. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in thissituation? Why? (3 marks)

      CASE #3

      1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have inthis situation. Explain how they might be helpful or unhelpful inresolving the problem. (2 marks)

      1. Identify the possible reasons for the angry outburst in Mrs.Ross. (3 marks)

      1. Identify two behaviors in Ray that indicate that he may beabused. (2 marks)



      1. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in thissituation? Why? (3 marks)

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