- Introduce Case
- Patient information, DE-IDENTIFIED (no name, address,birthday). You may give them an alternate name. Infoshould include age, height, wt., BMI, and basic disease/pathologyinformation (to be explained in #2)
- The patient’s name is Sandra. She is in 73 years old and sheweighs 140 lbs. She is diagnosed with Alien Limb Syndrome which isa diagnostic feature of Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD).
- Pathophysiology and Medical Concerns
- What disease(s)/health issue(s)/injury(ies) etc. are they beingtreated for?
- The patient is being treated for Alien Limb Syndrome (adiagnostic feature of CBD). CBD is considered an AtypicalParkinson’s syndrome or Parkinson’s Plus (PD).
- What are the signs and symptoms of the disease?
- Symptoms of CBD start on one side of the body. Some symptomsare muscle stiffness and painful rigidity, shaking (tremors),jerking movements, spasms, difficulty swallowing, trouble withbalance and coordination, etc.
- What physical effects should you be concerned with for exerciseprescription and long-term health?
- The physical effect I would be concerned with is the fact thatthe patient’s right arm function the way it wants. The client’sbody treats client’s right arm as an Alien. The right arm has brainof its own which would be my biggest concern for long termhealth.
This is outline and some informationof the patient. Elaborate for pathophysiology and medical concernsi.e, a, b and c inn about 700-800 words.
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