Case Study Option A: CLINICAL CASESTUDY (cardiac or pulm rehab, OT, PT, etc)

  1. Introduce Case
  1. Patient information, DE-IDENTIFIED (no name, address,birthday). You may give them an alternate name.  Infoshould include age, height, wt., BMI, and basic disease/pathologyinformation (to be explained in #2)
    • The patient’s name is Sandra. She is in 73 years old and sheweighs 140 lbs. She is diagnosed with Alien Limb Syndrome which isa diagnostic feature of Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD).
  1. Testing and Treatment A. Diagnostic testingcompleted on your patient, and what other tests you would suggest
    • Testing was performed in the doctor’s office. The testsperformed on her are as follows:

      a.Case study with 6 different movement disorder specialists acrossthe state.

      b.Electrical impulse nerve testing.

      c.MRI of full upper body region (to find if something was wrong inthe arm).

      d.Brain scan (doctor’s found Parkinson’s in the brain).

  • Tests performed on patient at the Y are as follows:

      a.Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) balance test (10 parts balancetest)

      b.30 second chair stand test

      c.Timed up and down test

  1. B. Exercise Testing – what tests would you conduct? Why?Special concerns?
    • Berg balance test, timed up & go test and functional reachtest. I would conduct Berg balance test to objectively determinethe patient’s ability or inability to safely balance during aseries of predetermined tasks. I would conduct timed up & go tomeasure the time and how safely the patient can move around. Iwould conduct functional reach test to assess ascertaining dynamicbalance in one simple task.

  1. What types of treatment did/would your patientundergo?  What are the physical effects of this treatmentthat could/did affect your exercise prescription?
    • Rock Steady Boxing, non-contact high intensity, speech therapy,physical therapy and, occupational therapy. The fact that if theright arm would stop functioning, balance training would beaffected a lot.

This is an outline of the patient. Elaborate on testing andtreatment (A and B) in about 700-800 words.

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