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memory development along with the strategies that support childrento process and integrate their memories.

•Many times we think that ifsomebody goes threw a traumatic momento it’s better to not mentionit and try to make it forgot, it’s better to not to touch about thetheme, but now we know that it won’t help the person to cure thewound, if nota ll the contrary make the wound be open in theirsoul.

Thestrageties that I like are the ones from the book of Daniel Siegel.The whole brain Child Use the remote of mind page 79 to 83, werethey give us as example that it’s better to talk about the them, toremember not to talk about or how those it feel like and finding asolution together

Alsoanother strategies is to remember that the hability to bring thepast to the present, to talk instead to ask about it.

Otherstrategy totaly new for me is the putting puzzles pieces of memorytogether, to do an álbum of importants moments or that had mark inthe child being this good or bad will help to undrestand the sameemotionsof the child. Page 88 and 89.

Thislast strategy is kind of interesting and I’m going to use it, thereason is that not only it will help the child to understand whatit feel like, if not also to the parents to understand theirchild.

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