(Policy memos type)

There are 2 scheduled structured discussions (policy memos).Before each, there is a written assignment due. The deliverable forthis assignment is a 3-page, 1.5 spaced statement. You must consultand cite outside sources to strengthen your arguments. The oraldelivery of arguments is (strictly) limited to 2 minutes eachperson. Only ½ the class (last names starting with A-J for thefirst and K-Z for the second) will take part in each oral deliveryalthough everyone will submit both written memos. Before thisassignment, we will discuss the appropriate methods of citing workand style elements in constructing arguments in short memos.

1stAssignment: This assignment involves preparing apolicy memo. You will pick a state and a health behavior policyarea. You will tell us about it and then suggest and support someimprovement of it. Take the perspective of an organization of yourchoice. Example policy memos are provided at the link oncanvas.

2ndAssignment: This assignment involves the samedetails as the first assignment, but in the context of health carepolicy (vs health behavior policy) and federal (not state)policy.

Grading of late work: Anything received after the duetime will lose 1/5 points per hour late (out of the points listedabove). See prior example guidance posted.

Suggested approach: Step 1) Consider a federal policy areathat’s relevant to an area of interest for you. For example, if youare interested in perinatal health policy, you could read up onMedicaid’s role in insuring pregnant women. 2) Consider whetherthere is a case for extending coverage. For example Medicaid policydiscussions recently have focused on extending the period ofpost-partum coverage from the current 6 weeks to being 12 months,since women losing coverage soon after child birth could lead tounaddressed health issues which will affect future pregnancies.

Another approach: read up current news in the Kaiser Health newemails. You’ll find many federal policies being discussed–many arearound COVID-19 topics, such as Medicare now allowing telehealthreimbursement. You could pick a topic such as whether Medicareshould continue to reimburse for telehealth. If you are interestedin prescription drug policy, you could write about FDA drugapproval process, about Medicare Part D donuthole. If you areinterested in the ACA, you could write about laws that determinehow insurance companies are reimbursed to be part of theMarketplaces. There are almost an endless number of federalhealthcare policies, and hopefully you will find one that suitsyour interests. Pls let me know if you would like suggestions ofpolicy options to look into in areas that interest you.

A couple of example topics from last year:

CARES Act: Personal Protective EquipmentShortage

–Expansion of Federal Scope of Practice Laws forHealthcare Professionals

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