ABSTRACT Extensive evidence exists on the association betweenhypothermia and increased morbidity and mortality in traumapatients. Gaps in practice related to temperature assessment havebeen identified in literature, along with limited personnelknowledge regarding management of patients with accidentalhypothermia. An interdisciplinary team identified gaps in practicein our institution regarding temperature assessment anddocumentation of rewarming and initiated an evidence-based practiceproject to change practice at our institution. The goals were todecrease time to temperature assessment, increase core temperatureassessment, and increase implementation of appropriate rewarmingmethods. This project used the Iowa Model of Evidence-BasedPractice to provide a framework for execution and evaluation. Weconducted a literature review to address all aspects ofhypothermia, including incidence, associated and contributingfactors, prevention, recognition, and treatment. Thisevidence-based knowledge was then applied to clinical practicethrough staff education and training, equipment availability, andenvironmental adjustments. More patients with hypothermia andhyperthermia were identified in 2017, as compared with 2016. Therewas a significant increase in core temperature assessment from 4%in 2016 to 23% in 2017 ( p < .001). Blanket use in normothermicpatients increased in 2017 ( p = .002). This project is an exampleof how nurses can utilize an evidence-based practice model totranslate research into clinical practice. Best practiceinterventions regarding temperature assessment and rewarmingmeasures for trauma patients can be successfully implemented withnegligible cost. Further research should be dedicated to examinebarriers to implementation and adherence to evidence-based practiceinterventions.
- What is the problem that the research is addressing?
- Why is this problem significant to nursing practice?