- Artificially prepared vesicles made of lipid bilayers arecalled:
a) Micelles
b) Liposomes
c) Implants
d) Fusion proteins
e) mAb
- Regarding novel drug delivery systems, which of the followingis false:
a) They are designed to reduce adverse effects
b) They do not allow to receive a medication as outpatient
c) They are designed to improve patient compliance
d) They can be designed for a site-specific drug release
e) They are designed to decrease dosage frequency
- Regarding genetic engineering, which of the following isfalse?
a) This is the process of direct manipulation of an organism’sgenome using biotechnology
b) mAb and rDNA are the key genetic engineering techniques
c) Insulin was one of the first rDNA commercial products
d) Bacterial cells are typically utilized for the production ofmAb-based therapeutics
e) rDNA technique enables the large scale production ofmolecules naturally present in the human body
4) Erbitax (Cetuximab) is indicated for treatment of coloncancer and head cancer and is an example of ______ .
a) Novel drug delivery systems
b) Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies
c) Radiopharmaceuticals
d) Liposome-based formulations
e) rDNA
5) Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding targetedchemotherapy?
a) It utilizes small molecules drugs only
b) It produces cytostatic effect
c) It exclusively utilizes biologics
d) It acts on all rapidly dividing cells
6) Which of the following statements correctly describesimmune-mediated tumor cell killing mechanism?
a) It typically causes cell surface enzyme neutralization
b) It usually leads to stromal cell inhibition
c) It commonly activates antibody-dependent cell-mediatedcytotoxicity
7) Erbitax (Cetuximab) is indicated for treatment of coloncancer and head cancer and is an example of ______ .
a) Novel drug delivery systems
b) Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies
c) Radiopharmaceuticals
d) Liposome-based formulations
e) rDNA
8) Which of the following drugs is incompatible with IVsolutions having a pH greater than 6?
a) Amlodipin
b) Verapamil
c) Losartan
9) Which of the following physiological parameters play(s) keyrole in blood pressure regulation?
a) Cardiac output only
b) Peripheral resistance only
c) Cardiac output and peripheral resistance
10) Which of the following statements is true regardingLisinopril?
a) It is a highly lipophilic drug
b) It is a non-polar molecule
c) It is eliminated unchanged
11) Which of the following is the most accurate description ofezetimibe’s mechanism of action?
a) Decreased lipid synthesis in adipose tissue
b) Decreased secretion of VLDL by the liver
c) Decreased absorption of cholesterol
d) Increased endocytosis of HDL by the liver
12) Which of the following is FALSE regarding atorvastatin?
a) It is a type II statin
b) It is metabolized by CYP3A4
c) It interacts with grape fruit products
d) Its metabolites are inactive
13) Which of the following is classified as an oral directthrombin inhibitor?
a) Dabigatran
b) Warfarin
c) Bivalirudin
d) Heparin
14) A lead discovery approach that involves the identificationof biological causes for a target disease and then uses a naturalligand or enzyme as the lead compound is known as_____:
a) High-Throughput Screening
b) Drug metabolism studies
c) Rational design
d) Clinical observations
e) Random screening
15) The part of the molecule that interacts with the target andproduces a desired biological effect is defined as___
a) lead compound
b) auxophore
c) pharmacophore
16) Doxil is a novel oral formulation of a cytotoxic agentdoxorubicin that encapsulates the drug within a micelle.
a. True
b. False
17) Most monoclonal antibodies are administeredintravenously.
a. True
b. False
18) The principle of structure-activity relationships suggeststhat there is an indirect relationship between a drug molecularstructure and its biological activity.
a. True
b. False