1. Using the template provided, and information from the poststhat you and your classmates have made on the discussion forum,describe your own, and other professional roles within a health andsocial care organisation.
You have been provided with a template of five Powerpointslides. Use this to provide clear, concise information, rememberingto acknowledge the sources you have used (such as professionaland/or Government web sites) with an APA 7th citation in the bodyof the slide/s, and an entry in the reference list that comprisesyour final slide.
1. The first slide acts as a titlepage; add your name, UNE student number, the unit code and title,assessment number and due date, your word count, and name of yourUnit Coordinator.
2. On the second slide,
- Identify your own profession, and assign yourself a positionand an organisation related to the case study (Attached below). Itis fine to be aspirational!
- Describe your own profession and its primary roles,responsibilities and duties;
- Identify and briefly describe the professional, organisational,ethical and legal standards that govern your profession; and
- Critically examine the benefits and limitations of the entities(boards, organisations, peak bodies) that govern standards for yourprofession, undertaking responsibility for establishing andenforcing these.
3. On the third slide,
- Identify two professional roles apart from your own that workwithin health and social care in the context described in the casestudy; and
- Explain the primary roles, duties, and responsibilities of theother two professional roles that you have selected. Include atleast three key duties for each.
4. On the fourth slide, use thediagram to identify any areas where your own and your two otherselected professionals have similar or overlapping roles,responsibilities, and duties.
5. On the fifth slide, list all of thesources that you have cited, using APA 7th formatting.
2. Saving and Submitting
Save and submit your file in .ppt or .pptx format asfollows:
Surname intitial StudentnumberHLTH102A1. eg: Jones M 1234500HLTH102A1
3. Assessment Criteria: marked out of 100
You will be assessed on your ability to:
Identify, describe and critically examine keyaspects of own profession and professional role (Slide 2; 40marks).
Identify and describe two additional professionalroles (Slide 3; 20 marks).
Identify similar and/or overlapping roles(Slide 4; 20 marks).
Present the findings in appropriate format andlanguage using APA 7th edition referencing styleincluding in-text citations and reference list (Slides 1 – 4 and 5,20 marks).
Case study
Glenaurie and Tabletop Community Case Study (Module 1 and 2)
The Geraint family have been liaising regularly with the healthcare team in the hospital to facilitate the transfer of Jason backto his local community. His rehabilitation, medical, and socialcare needs need to be identified and addressed before the transferto ensure his local community can support Jason and his family.
Inter-Hospital Transfer and Rehabilitation
You have been assigned as the case manager for Jason at theTabletop Hospital, and this requires you to facilitate his transferback to the Tabletop Community so they can arrange his home-basedrehabilitation in a remote community.
Jason has an amputated right arm, fractured legs, and braininjury sustained from his motor vehicle accident (MVA), and he willrequire extensive rehabilitation and habilitation. He currently hasdifficulty with his communication including both speech andthinking process and will require ongoing treatment and assessmentto rebuild his functional skills. He has also been experiencingbouts of depression concerning his injuries and needs to re-trainfor future employment.
Glenauire hospital has a limited time frame for inpatientrehabilitation so Jason will be transferred to the Tabletopcommunity before he has fully recovered. The goal of ongoing careis to maximise Jason’s level of function and help him transitionfrom hospital to independent living in the community. Hisrehabilitation may last from a few months to years, depending onthe type and severity of the disability. Participation in socialand community activities will be an important goal for Jason as hetransitions back into the workforce.
Jason’s inter-hospital transfer is being planned and organisedby a social worker and a nurse at the Glenaurie Hospital in theRehabilitation Ward. Over the last two weeks, limited communicationconcerning the transfer has occurred; also bed shortages,incomplete documentation of the rehabilitation and nursingtreatment plans, and staff shortages have exacerbated the delay.This problem has been escalated to nursing and medical managementwho have expressed frustration directly to you about thesituation.
The transfer will be by air ambulance, and the case manager atthe Tabletop hospital will coordinate the process. Arrangements forthe transfer include:
- Contacting Jason’s family
- Locating an available community rehabilitation team in theBarringfield area and communicating the rehabilitation plan thatincludes teaching Jason self-care (dressing/showering/mealpreparation). If there is no community based-rehabilitation teamavailable, Jason will have to stay at the Tabletop hospital andreceive rehabilitation there.
- Contacting the admitting medical and nursing staff andcommunicating the medical record and treatment plan if Jason istransferred to the hospital.
- Booking the air ambulance
- Liaising with the Social worker and Psychologist
Additional issues related to the transfer and Jason’s ongoingcare include
- The complexity of Jason’s wound care and medications
- Need for mental health support for Jason, his girlfriend, andhis family
- Payment of inter-hospital transfer (Glenaurie Hospital andTabletop Hospital are arguing over who pays for the transfer; NSWHealth policy states the transferring hospital pays for theinter-hospital transfers, except where the patient is beingdischarged home rather than to the hospital but this depends on theavailability of a community rehabilitation team).
- Unresolved Workers Compensation claim; Jason’s workplace havenot admitted liability and are not paying Jason lost wages
- Ongoing financial support for Jason through the NationalDisability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
You are unsure what needs to happen in arranging the transferand have approached your line manager for support and guidance,however, the line manager has not returned your emails or calls, sono arrangements have been initiated. Furthermore, the nurse caringfor Jason believes his care is too complex for home care.Communication goes back and forth between you and the line manager,the nurse, Tabletop Hospital Health Service Manager, and GlenaurieHospital Rehabilitation Unit Social Worker without resolution.
At this point, you phoned Jason’s mother Maureen to find out ifthe home arrangements are progressing. She informs you that Jasonis already on his way via air ambulance to Tabletop Hospital andwill arrive within the hour. You confirm this with GlenaurieHospital staff then inform your line manager so preparation can bemade for Jason’s arrival.