Can someone help me with these questions?
1. A patient visits a pain management clinic to begin painmedications as recommended by his general practitioner. The patientexpresses to you that they are fearful of starting a new medicationand has heard about other alternative approaches to pain control.However, his pain is becoming worse and he doesn’t know if he canwait and try other approaches. He asks you, “what would you do ifyou were me?”
a. How would you respond to this patient in a caring and healingmanner that demonstrates holistic communication? In the spacebelow, write in your own words, exactly how you would respond tothis patient.
b. How does your response demonstrate holistic communicationcharacteristics? Support your response with citation from areference.
2. A patient has received news that their mammogram has revealeda mass in their breast and they require further evaluation. Theyimmediately become overwhelmed and share they are the solecaregiver for their dependent 19yr old daughter with autism, andwho will take care of her daughter if something were to happen.They turn to you and ask, “will I be ok?”
a. How would you respond to this patient in a caring and healingmanner that demonstrates holistic communication? In the spacebelow, write in your own words, exactly how you would respond tothis patient.
b. How does your response demonstrate holistic communicationcharacteristics? Support your response with citation from areference.
3. As you walk by, a patient in a wheelchair has spilled theirdrink into the hallway. Concerned that someone may slip and fall,you place an absorbent cloth on the spill. Before you start callingto notify environmental services, the patient apologizes profusely,“I am so sorry, since my stroke I lose control of my right hand. Ishould have remembered and used my other hand. I am such a burdento everyone. You were probably on your way to somewhere veryimportant.”
a. Do you feel the following response enhances holisticcommunication and demonstrates holistic communicationcharacteristics? Why or Why not?
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve had to clean up much worse. You’ll beok, hang in there.”
b. What do you feel would be the best caring response for thissituation?