R.T. is a 64-year-old man who went to his primary careprovider’s office for a yearly examination. He initially reportedhaving no new health problems; however, on further questioning, headmitted to having developed some fatigue, abdominal bloating, andintermittent constipation. His physical examination was normalexcept for a stool positive for guaiac. R.T. was referred to agastroenterologist for a colonoscopy. A 5-cm mass found in thesigmoid colon was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma of the colon. Thepathology report described the tumor as a Dukes’ stage B, meaningcancer extends into the muscle or connective tissue and invadesadjacent organs and lymph nodes. A distant metastatic workup isnegative, and R.T. is being referred for surgery.
Vital Signs BP: 148/82, R: 89, R: 20, T: 99° F
.Lab Results: CBC wnl, BMP wnl and carcinoembryonicantigen(CEA) 4.7
Medications: Morphine IV, leucovorin (folinic acid) 10 mg IM,and irinotecan (Camptosar) injectionMarcia
Clinical expectations:
Concept Map which consists of:
1 nursing diagnosis
1 Goal 3 Nursing interventions with rationale
Evaluation Completed
medication cards