During her annual physical examination, a 69-year-oldfemale patient is asking why she reacts
differently to some medications than she did when shewas younger.
1. In discussing pharmacologic considerations with her,the gerontological nurse keeps in mind
which of the following true statements regarding drugtherapy and the older adult?
A. Older adults should look carefully at theirprescription medications but need not worry
about OTC drugs.
B. Diuretics and antihypertensive drugs rarely produceadverse reactions in older adults.
C. An adverse reaction to a drug may occur after thedrug has been discontinued.
D. Adverse drug reactions occur with the same frequencyin older adults as they do in
younger adults.
2. The most appropriate instruction by thegerontological nurse to prevent drug–drug
interactions when teaching an older patient about theirmedications is:
A. “Be sure a family member knows the name and use ofall of your medications.”
B. “Do not take any OTC drugs with your prescriptiondrugs.”
C. “Have all of your prescriptions filled at onepharmacy that can set up a drug profile for
D. “Use a medication reminder system so that you won’tforget to take your medications
as scheduled.”