Dr. Johnstone didn’t like what he saw. The x-rays of GladysGwynn’s hip showed a fracture of the femoral neck and severeosteoporosis of the hip. Mrs. Gwynn had been admitted to theorthopedic ward of Hamilton Hospital after a fall that morning atSunny Meadows, an assisted-living facility. The accident hadoccurred when Sheri Smith, a new aide, lost her grip while helpingMrs. Gwynn in the shower.
A frail but alert and cheerful woman of 85, Mrs. Gwynn hasosteoarthritis and osteoporosis that have forced her to rely on awalker. Although her finances were limited, she has been living atSunny Meadows since her husband’s death four years ago. Dr.Johnstone knew that she didn’t have any close relatives, and he didnot think that she had signed a Health Care Power of Attorneydesignating someone to help with medical decisions like this.
A total hip replacement would be the logical treatment for ayounger patient because it could restore some of her lost mobility.However, for a frail patient like Mrs. Gwynn, internal fixation ofthe fracture might be the treatment of choice. This would repairthe break but not improve her mobility.
Dr. Johnstone needs to make a decision soon, but he knows thatMrs. Gwynn is groggy from pain medication. With one more look atthe x-ray, Dr. Johnstone sighs and walks toward Mrs. Gwynn’sroom.
Based on the above story answer the following questions:
Because of the pain medication, Gladys Gwynn may not be able tospeak for herself. Since she has no relatives to help, is itappropriate for Dr. Johnstone to make the decision about surgeryfor her? Given these circumstances, is it possible that when Gladysmoved into Sunny Meadows they had her sign a Health Care Power ofAttorney to someone at the facility?
Because the accident happened when Sheri Smith was helping Mrs.Gwynn, do you think Sheri should be held responsible for theaccident? Since Sheri is an employee of Sunny Meadows, should thatfacility be held responsible?