Jeremy is a 25-year-old man training for an ultramarathon raceof 50 miles. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and currently weighs 170lb. During his long runs of more than 3 hours, he drinks water,approximately 30 oz., and consumes one GU (an energy supplementcontaining 100 kcal from simple sugar) at the 2-hour mark. Jeremyis coming to you for advice because he is becoming increasinglyweak and nauseated toward the end of his runs. He reports feelinglight-headed and irritable on his long training days. Jeremy statesthat he is eating an egg salad sandwich with two hard-boiled eggsmixed with 3 tbsp. of mayonnaise on whole wheat bread about 20minutes before his run.

Your answers should directly relate to the assigned textbookreadings. Chapters 12-15 From Nix S: Williams’ basic nutrition& diet therapy, ed 14, St Louis, 2013, Elsevier. Pleaseshow calculations for questions 2 and 3.

  1. What sources of fuel is Jeremy predominately using in this typeof exercise?
  2. How much fluid should Jeremy be consuming during a 3-hourrun?
  3. Based on his weight, how many calories and grams ofcarbohydrate should he consume during his run?
  4. On what time schedule would you recommend he consume his fluidand carbohydrate?
  5. What would you recommend regarding his pre-exercise meal?
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