2. Consider prominent leadership figures around theworld. Who would be held liable in a case in which sexualharassment occurred but ignored? The manager? The company? What cana company do to prevent sexual harassment?
In every organization a sexual harassment policy hasbeen around since about 1995. Although the terminology may differfrom one organization to another it all basically states thatsexual harassment is any person requesting or requiring any form ofsexual favor from another person. It does not matter is the otherperson accepts or rejects the request or require. In this case asexual harassment has occurred but was ignored this would fall backon the company. It is the organizations job to prevent any act ofsexual harassment by providing rules and regulations in form of atraining for all employees, and having all employees sign a formstating they were given this training and fully understand theconsequences if they become the harassed or the harasser.
In Nestle we had a rare case of the HR representativehaving sexual interactions with multiple employees while both onthe clock and off the clock. Not to mention this same HRrepresentative claimed to be a victim in another case where she didnot feel comfortable with how an employee was coming on to her. Itturns out the HR representative had a healthy appetite after losinga bunch of weight and helped a few employees out of betterunderstanding the rules and regulations on FMLA leave. In return anoffer of sexual favors was indebted to her. This went on unnoticedfor quite some time until one of the employee’s spouses gotinvolved and sent pictures and videos of this HR representativedoing things in her office to everyone on the employees contactlist. To this day Nestle was able to keep the names of all thevictims confidential, so we do not know the extent of how manyvictims their was. We do have a couple of ideas but no one knowsfor sure. The HR representative was walked out of the building thevery next day and she is now working for another company. Somehowthis was not brought in front of the courts and has been sweptunder the rug with many more sexual harassment accusations fromthis organization.
5.How would you explain the fact that workers insuch diverse cultures as America and China seem to crave fairtreatment?
Cultures in which people define themselves asindividuals tend to form looser ties with their groups like theUnited States. These cultures value independence of a person,self-reliance, and creativity. Cultures where people have strongerbonds to their groups and group membership forms a persons selfidentity like China. In collectivistic cultures people tend tovisualize themselves more as a group were family bonds are moreinfluential in daily lives.
For example Nestle used to be the go to for familyevents and gathering for employees. Over the years this has cutback drastically if not all together and now employees view thiscompany as they are number not an individual.
What else can I add to this