Work legally and ethically

1. a) Which Commonwealth Act sets the legislative guidelines forprivacy, confidentiality and disclosure in Australia?

b) Explain what this Act covers?

2. Give at least 2 examples for each of how, in your work role,you would follow the requirements for:

  1. Privacy and confidentiality
  2. Disclosure

3.Provide an example for each of the following that apply to therole of an aged care or disability worker:

  • An International law
  • A Federal (Commonwealth) law
  • A State law
  • A common/local law

4.a) Name the law in WA that applies to the wellbeing ofchildren?

b) What are the key principles of this legislation?

c) Explain what might happen if you breach this law.

5.a) What are your legal and ethical responsibilities regardingthe discrimination of an older person or person withdisability?

b) Give a specific example of what you could do in your workrole to make sure the person you are supporting is notdiscriminated against.

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