Star quarterback, Tom Brady of the New England Patriots, injuredhis anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in spring training. He wasimmediately scheduled for assessment with Dr. Lovesfood, whoquickly scheduled surgery in an effort to address the problem andget him into rehab and back on the field as soon as possible. Wordof Tom’s visit, surgery, and rehab spread like wildfire through thestaff. Susiecue was one of the new hires in the IT department. Shewas a computer whiz, but had no health care background. She wasenamored with Tom and just couldn’t resist taking a peek at hismedical record and gleaning some personal information. When shelearned that he had a follow-up visit the next day, she thought itwould be fun to have her camera phone ready. Without gettingpermission, she took a short video of Tom hobbling through theoffice on his crutches. Susiecue was so excited that she posted thevideo online. It immediately went viral! Later that evening, shegot a call from the practice manager telling her to be in the HRdirector’s office at 8:00am sharp the next morning.

DQ1: What confidentiality and privacy issues didSusiecue violate, what penalities may the practice face, how shouldSusiecue be reprimanded, and what steps can the practice take inthe future to ensure these types of breaches don’t happenagain?

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