Using this format, make a pathophysiology for a Benign FebrileSeizures.
case study:
Demographic Profile
Name: H.T
Age: 1 year old
Sex: Female
Religion: Born Again Christian
Place: Pasig City
Date of Admission: January,30 2021
Setting: Hospital
Chief Complaint: Upward rolling of the eyeballs and stiffeningof the bilateral upper and lower extremities
Vital Signs:
Temp: 38.3 °C HR: 140
RR: 40 SPO2: 94% at room air
History Present Illness:
1 day prior to admission
Patient experienced fever with Temperature of 39.3 °Ctemporarily relieved by intake of Paracetamol. Associated with oneepisode of non- projectile, non-bilous vomiting, of previouslyingested milk amounting to approx. 1⁄2 cup. No cough, colds, loosebowel movement, ear discharge, rashes nor seizure noted.
Few Hours PTA
Still with the same symptoms, but now accompanied by oneseizure episode described as upward rolling of the eyeballs,circumoral cyanosis and stiffening of bilateral extremities lastingfor less than 5 minutes and with no noted loss of consciousness;hence consult to the ER department of this institution andsubsequent admission.
Past Medical History :
No previous history of febrile nor afebrile seizures
Family History
febrile seizures: mother side
Physical Examination:
Skin: No lesions, rashes, scaling noted. Good skinturgor
HEENT: Anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva, PERRLA,no cervical lymphadenopathies
CARDIOVASCULAR: PMI at 4th left ICS MCL. Distinct S1 and S2,with normal rate and rhythm.
RESPIRATORY: No nasal flaring, use of accessory muscles, nochest wall deformities. Equal lung expansion with clear breathsounds.
ABDOMEN: No lesions, globular and non distended. Normoactivebowel sounds. Tympanitic in all quadrants. No palpable mass nortenderness. No organomegaly noted.
EXTREMITIES: No gross deformities, no edema noted. CapillaryRefill Time <2 sec. Bilateral brachial pulses and dorsalis pediswere full
GENITALIA:Grossly female, with no noted erythema or dischargeNEUROLOGIC:
I- not assessed
II- 2-3 mm pupils equally reactive to light
III, IV,VI- Intact Extraocular Movements, no nystagmus, nostrabismus V- not assessed
VII- No facial asymmetry
VIII- good gross hearing
IX,X- uvula midline, good suck and swallowing
XI- no difficulty in turning head from all sides
XII- tongue midline
No Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s sign No bulging fontanel
Good muscle tone
Transcribed Image Text from this Question
Non Modifiable Modifiable factorss factors FacFactors Factors Disease Process Disease Process Disease Process S/SX Neuro Cardio Pulmo GI GU Integ Endo
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