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You are health professionalisme dan wachs an entire teated to the core of patients with Wide The Unican accommodate live people at time on dialysis and is the only when 500 meters thuchas dialysis capability times the scheduling diedities which committee is called together to have decisions of printy Theme is made up of health personnel from the hospital and community, and of lay people from the community. You are on that committee The community in which you live and work has had a crise A toxin based into the water supply for the city and has made over half of the citizens terribly thone most vulnerable to the toxin are people with kidney disease. Ten people linear death within one hour) unless their blood is dialysed. There are only five machines • The committee has been called together to decide who should receive priority. It is impossible to save the lives of all of the victims, but you must make the decision of which five will be saved Your group has only minimal chart information about the ten people and thirty minutes to make the decision. Your group realizes that there is no alternative to making this choice if five people are to be saved. With no decision, all ten people will die. Here is what you know about the ten people: Bookkeeper, male, 31 years old • Bookkeeper’s wife, female, 30 years old, 6 months pregnant Second year medical student, male, militant African American Famous Historian and author, 41 years old, female • Hollywood actress, 50 years old Biochemist, 35 years old, female Rabbi, 54 years old, male Olympic athlete, shot put, 19 years old, male • College student majoring in a health profession other than medicine, female Owner of a topless bar, 56 years old, male, prison record . . Your Assignment: 1. Working alone, decide the 5 people who are to go on dialysis. You have 5 minutes to make your personal decision 2. At the professors’ signal, join your team to discuss your team’s selection of the 5 people to receive dialysis. Every member of your group must agree with, and be committed to, the decision. 3. Select a person from your team to report your group’s decision. 4. List, from 1st (saved) to 10th (not saved) the order your group would place the people. Be prepared to discuss the means by which you made your decision and any criteria used.
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