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Surgery Quiz. Fill in the blank with the appropriate Chapter 11term(s).
1.Whichsurgicalsubcategoryin the CPTcoding manual would you find the scenario below?______________________
A technique known as minimally invasive laparoscopic colon surgeryallows surgeons to perform many common colon procedures throughsmall incisions. Depending on the type of procedure, patients mayleave the hospital in a few days and return to normal activitiesmore quickly than patients recovering from open surgery.
In most laparoscopic colon resections, surgeons operate through 4or 5 small openings (each about a quarter inch) while watching anenlarged image of the patient’s internal organs on a televisionmonitor. In some cases, one of the small openings may be lengthenedto 2 or 3 inches to complete the procedure.
2.The recurrentinfection is a ________________________________.
3.___________________removes small sections of the top layer of skin.
4._______________________________________removes layers of skin and examines under a microscope to get ridof cancerous cells. Successive layers are removed until the surgeoncan find no more cancer cells.
5.Bioengineeredskin may be engineered from _______________________ tissues (humanskin), ________________________ tissues (nonhuman), syntheticmaterials, or a composite of these materials.
6.When codingpressure ulcers, the coder must determine the laterality (left orright), the depth (layer of skin, fat, bone), and the_____________________ (severity of diseaseprogression).