I: Mr George McFarlane is a 53year old male. S: George has presented to theaccident and emergency department with a history of chest painwhich started yesterday as he was driving back from an interstatetrip. B: George’s past Medical History(PMHx) include:
Social History (SHx):
A: Mr McFarlane is 118kg and 180cmin height. Current vital signs Resp 26, O2 Sats 97% onroom air (RA), BP 170/90, HR 110, Temp 37. |
George’s condition continues to deteriorate, his RR has increaseand his O2 sats have decreased over the past 2 hours. Aclinical review finds that George is in cardiogenic shock and he istransferred to HDU for management. He has a PICC line inserted forIV fluids and medication. He requires continuous positive airwaypressure (CPAP) mask to maintain his O2 levels. |
Reference required. |