autism spectrum
Assignment: PICO – Rehabilitation Principle/InterventionPaper
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to promote thelearning of common neurological pathologies and treatments throughresearch analysis. The analysis will be conducted by formulatingand answering a PICO question; please use information in class toaid you in creating this. Working independently, the student willgain research and presentation skills required to appropriatelyunderstand and disseminate information efficiently in the clinicalsetting.
Requirements: Students will choose a neurologicalpathology/injury that interests them and perform a search of theliterature in relation to various treatment modalities/approachesavailable to them. The student will then prepare a short 2-pagepaper (not including cover and reference pages). Papers should takeinto account the following:
Consider interventions that have been discussed in the course.Determine how these should be modified, or whether a newintervention may be more beneficial. Write a PICO question thatwill help with this clinical decision.
Create and summarize a patient’s pathology and current status as itrelates to the PICO question, using outcome measures that areconsistent with those used in the initial examination.
Perform a literature search and describe the search strategy.Include keywords used, databases searched, and number of articlesfound; describe how the search was narrowed.
List 5 relevant references that use the highest levels of evidence(RCT, systematic review) possible.
Summarize the evidence from #4, e7mphasizing the interventiondetails (usually found in the “Methods”). Briefly state thefindings of each of the studies and the level of evidence of thestudy.
Write a paragraph defending a decision about whether this newintervention is appropriate for the patient. Include any concernsor precautions that should be taken in applying thisintervention.
Patient Preference and Clinical Knowledge: will this newintervention meet the patient’s needs and goals? Do you have theknowledge to perform the selected intervention(s); whatinformation/skills/certification(s) are needed?

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