After reviewing the readings for Week 9 and the “ManagingRetail-Based Health Clinics: Financial Performance and Mission”case study, please answer the following:
- What immediate, intermediate, and long-term steps should Jeannetake to turn her retail-based health clinic aroundfinancially?
- What could have been done in the planning phase to ensuresuccess of the retail-based health clinic?
- What data, resources, and support does Jeanne need in order toaddress the expectations of her administration?
- How can Jeanne meet her ethical commitment to provide care toeveryone regardless of the ability to pay and still meet theobligation to shareholders for a return on investment?
Also, after reading “Rural Medical Practice—Balancing Needs andNecessities” case study, answer the following questions.
- What other considerations in regard to the patients who haveaccumulated debt should Carson account for?
- What are some ways that revenues could be increased while stilladhering to Dr. Whitson’s mission?
- Devise a strategic plan for the practice for the next fiveyears that would address the aforementioned problems.
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