Sleep is not a priority for most college students. Astudy was conducted among 300 undergraduate students to determineif the lack of sleep caused them to gain weight. The dependentvariable was weight gain and the independent variable is the lengthof sleep. The possible extraneous variables in this study areexercise and nutrition. “Previous research suggests that habitualshort sleep may influence obesity-risk behaviors, such as increasedcaloric intake, decreased physical activity and increasedengagement in sedentary activities (e.g., media consumption,computer usage)” (Kozak et al., 2019). To control the extraneousvariables in this study, conduct random samples among students andlimit their amount of exercise and calorie intake daily. It isimportant to anticipate, identify, and control extraneous variables“because they can alter or obscure the relationship between theindependent variable and dependent variable, or indicate there is acausal relationship between them when none exists” (Flannelly etal., 2014).

1. According to the statement above what can we agreeand or disagree?

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