It was becoming obvious to many that the suburb of Harrisburgnow had a drug problem, but few wanted to admit it. The community’sresidents liked their quiet neighborhoods and most never thoughtthat drugs would be a problem. In fact, the problem really sneakedup on everyone. The town had only one bar, and althoughoccasionally someone drank too much, the bar’s patrons usuallycontrolled their drinking and did not bother anyone. Occasionallyhigh school students would be caught drinking beer purchased at astore in a nearby town. Yet these isolated incidents gave noindication of an impending drug problem.Within the past year, theclimate of the town has changed. Teenagers are being arrested forpossession of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs such as heroin.There is an increase in burglaries and 4 assaults have beenreported in the last month.The population of young adults in thecommunity seemed to be increasing and many are driving impressivecars, using the most updated technology devices, and wearing thelatest clothing styles.
•What is this community’s health problem?
•Write a program goal to address this issue
•List 2-3 program objectives that will help meet this goal
•List one health promotion activity you plan to implement
•List one health education activity you plan to implement
•List one health service (clinical) activity you plan toimplement