Individuals with low health literacy
A. Are more likely to go to the emergency room and behospitalized.
B. Are more likely to have a chronic disease and are less able tomanage their care effectively.
C. Are less compliant with doctor’s instructions and are morelikely to make medication errors.
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following strategies are more effective whenworking with a medical interpreter?
A. |
Speak directly to the medical interpreter. |
B. |
Avoid slang, figures of speech, and other forms of informalvocabulary. |
C. |
Use longer sentences. |
D. |
Avoid repeating important information. |
3. Which of the following strategies are more effective whenworking with a visually impaired patient?
A. |
Avoid the use of the words look and see. |
B. |
Tell the patient when you leave and return to the area. |
C. |
Walk with the service dog between you and the patient. |
D. |
Use gestures to supplement your verbal message. |
4. Which of the following statements is correct regardingpatients who are deaf or are hard of hearing?
A. |
The uppercase Deaf is used when referring to the hard ofhearing. |
B. |
American Sign Language is based on English and uses a similarsentence structure and grammar. |
C. |
Only about 30% of English sounds are visible on the lips, whichmay make speech reading difficult. |
D. |
Speaking directly to the ASL interpreter is recommended. |
5. Which of the following strategies is more effective whenworking with a deaf or hard of hearing patient?
A. |
Gain the patient’s attention before you speak. |
B. |
Ensure that the light is in front of the patient who speechreads. |
C. |
Speak very loudly. |
D. |
If the patient has difficulty understanding the message, keeprepeating the same words until they do understand. |
6. Which of the following strategies is more effective whenworking with a patient of advanced age?
A. |
Schedule a shorter appointment for this patient, later in theday. |
B. |
Avoid repeating important information. |
C. |
Write down instructions for them. |
D. |
Avoid the use of visual aids. |