CASE STUDY # 2 – Neurologic Dysfunction (MENINGITIS)
Russell King, 27, from Stevenage, Herts, contracted the Bstrain of meningitis with septicaemia at 18.
He says: A couple of days before Christmas 2013, when I cameback from my first term at university, I started to feel cold allthe time and my neck ached.
The next morning my throat was sore and my neck was worse, somy father took me to the GP and I was given an antibiotic.
The next morning, I started being sick every 15 minutes and myhead, arms and legs really ached. Then I started to developsensitivity to light so my parents called out a doctor.
Mum suggested meningitis, but the doctor dismissed it, andgave me an antibiotic.
The next day, my parents called an ambulance. I’d lost allcoordination and was starting to hallucinate.
At hospital, red spots appeared all over my body – literallyin front of their eyes. That was the septicaemia (blood poisoning).The doctors said if my parents had brought me in any later I’d havebeen dead.
I spent 12 days in hospital and was given penicillin six timesa day. I couldn’t return to university for two months and I took ayear to recover fully.
What are the two assessment parameters that indicatemeningitis?
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